Answering the Big Questions of Ufology

"Over the years I have read countless thousands of books, most on a personal level and others for publishing houses, well, I can safely say that this is one hell of a different book! It is completely different from all the rest."
Malcolm Robinson
Malcolm Robinson

When I mentioned to someone that I was reviewing a UFO book, their first words were, “Oh no, not another UFO book giving out the same old UFO cases that have been used a thousand times”. At this point I was halfway through this book, and I was pleased to inform this person that, this was not the case with this book. Far from it. I stated that once I had read this book, I would not only send my review to the author’s publishing house and also numerous UFO magazines, but that I would also send him a personal copy of my review.

Over the years I have read countless thousands of books, most on a personal level and others for publishing houses, well, I can safely say that this is one hell of a different book! It is completely different from all the rest. This is not a book which concerns itself with UFO cases at all, it concerns itself with the questions which countless thousands of UFOlogists and lay persons ask themselves. What is behind the UFO mystery? What would happen if we had open contact with an alien species? Does the Government have protocols regarding any ‘first contact’ with an alien species? These, and many more, are questions which are peppered throughout this fine book. But there is not one single person that has answered these age-old questions, that my friends, is done by new state of the art technology, in other words, AI (Artificial Intelligence) Yes, that’s right, 30 mainstream UFO questions were fed into an AI computer, UFOdex. The author states that this is a research and development tool, an artificial portal if you like, which contains lots of UFO data. The software has scanned UFO text, books, periodicals video images and many aspects which must do not only with today’s UFO sightings, but throughout history as well (if I have understood this correctly!) The author states that UFOdex is more than just AI and Google on steroids, it provides knowledge and insights into the UFO enigma, gained by AI data. It draws together, facts, figures, and analyses worldwide UFO data which puts a new slant onto UFO cases. The author accepts that it is still a work in progress, and that we still have a lot to learn, but what AI has done, is to circumnavigate Mr Joe Bloggs and his views on UFOs, and feed all the relevant info into an AI system to see what it can come up with!

Technology is only as good as the information, and many will say that any given information fed into this AI system, might, in itself, be flawed. I mean, no one really knows for sure what is behind the UFO enigma, not truly anyway. So admittedly we must be careful as to what information we are feeding this system with. That said, it would be wrong not to try.

Feeding questions into an AI system such as. What is the E.T. agenda? Why would extraterrestrials abduct humans? Why haven’t extraterrestrials made open contact? And many more questions, are there for the answering. Can a computer give us a better understanding on what lies beneath the UFO enigma than what we have learned so far? Some might say probably not, but if we don’t try, if we don’t use the modern-day tools available to us, then we will never know. Computers and advanced technology have paved the way for humans to be better at what they do. They have increased our knowledge (for better or for worse) Again, this is not your typical UFO book. For me, it was a page turner it really was. The questions were all set out, followed by the AI answers and boy I thought I had heard all the theories to explore and possibly answer the UFO enigma, how wrong was I. The answers gained through AI truly made me sit up and question what has been going on. Are we truly aware of the implications of an E.T. presence on Earth on religion? What would an open disclosure do to the various churches of the world? Probably more alarming would be the use of alien technology falling into ‘one’ countries hands. Would that one single country then control the world? Would an alien civilisation take over planet Earth, would we be the slaves? These are questions which any sensible man should be asking themselves. The, ‘what if’ scenario. What if one day all this becomes reality, will mankind be prepared? Have we an action plan? Or will our ignorance of the UFO enigma be our downfall?

Seriously folks, this is a thought-provoking book. There isn’t a question in this book that hasn’t been addressed. What Ryan S. Wood has done with this book is truly stupendous. Yes, the answers coming through the AI system (with some of Ryan’s own thoughts) may never happen, but again, it’s the ‘what if’. Some questions asked, relate to the world’s economy and the impact on mental health with the fear factor of, ‘what’s to come’! Would traditional industries start falling by the wayside? Would we be dealing with friendly aliens or aliens with a deceitful covert agenda? Would their very presence on Earth give us a new pandemic with viruses that we can’t control? I have never read a single book which has all these questions and more in a book. Yes, some of these questions have been asked by other authors filtered through their UFO books, but certainly not in a way that author Ryan S. Wood has presented them. Moreover, using an AI UFOdex system has sprung up some intriguing answers, some of which might come as a surprise to you. Will the introduction of an alien race be beneficial to human society? Will they help mankind move further to the stars? Or will an alien race decimate humanity. Decimate our society. Decimate our culture and decimate what we as humans, have built up since the Earth was formed?

This for me (and I hope for you) is a significant book. A book which I hope will give you a better understanding on how things ‘might transpire’. As I’ve stated, this book is different from others. It provides a powerful narrative on what ‘might be’. I honestly hope that every UFOlogist the world over buys this book because they really need to know and look at how things ‘could be’. Can we change the scenario? Who knows. Yes, a thought-provoking book so different from the rest. Make a point of ordering it today, take it from me, you will not be disappointed.

Reviewed by Malcolm Robinson, Founder Strange Phenomena Investigations. (SPI)

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